Wednesday, 12 February 2014


The property belonging to our neighbours across the way borders on the right bank of the Waikanae River, with a long row of extremely tall pines growing along a vertical erosion cliff. Having been planted many years ago, and now in 2014 the trees are clinging to the top edges of the sheer precipice, presenting a possible danger to people, property and the bridge over Kents Road.

I cannot even imagine the cost of felling and removing these giants, but I understand that the lumberjack will do all the work, the cutting and removal of the timber (for sale as firewood), and you may even get some change or firewood out of the deal.

The guy appointed, Richard, will be busy for three to four months. Here are some pics of his activities:

Richard’s office. A beautiful sylvan setting, but running a heavy chain-saw man-alone all day cannot be that much fun!

The “biscuits” (round wheelie sections of tree trunk) are further sliced and diced into fire-place sized pieces and loaded onto the back of the truck by conveyor. Who handles this department? Yes, you guessed – Richard – the fellow in the red overall.


A lumberjack’s (in this case, lumberdick’s) work is never done

Slicing the trunk into biscuits. What a mouthful…

Al la Biscuits! Ready for slicing and dicing into manageable firewood.

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