Monday 22 September 2014

30-Day Challenge

Some of us imagine we can tell stories, some of us imagine we can write those stories. I guess I may perhaps be one of those. There must be millions of writers using the English medium, but how many of them have we read?  I’m not much of a reader, but I hardly read what others have written. Perhaps it is a trend in the electronic age, where a majority of folks would rather watch a video for 120 minutes than read the same “story” in book form over a few days. Perhaps its all to do with lack of energy or enthusiasm. But, by ignoring the written stories, we are effectively telling the story-tellers that their efforts are really a waste of their time…

I have written a number of posts on this blog over the past few months, without knowing the reaction of readers. If any readers, in the first instance. If no-one writes a comment against any post, the writer has absolutely no idea how he should change his content or style to make the articles more acceptable. Perhaps, stop writing entirely, and join the world of readers out there?

I encountered a site which poses a 30-day writing challenge. They sketch a scenario for each day and then you need to write a piece, with at least 10 minute input, in line with their sketch.

I thought to myself, “How about giving this a try? At worst, the readers of this blog may simply skim through the titles each day and dismiss the writing.”

And what have I lost after the 30 days? But I can’t sit here musing: I have decided to accept the 30-Day Challenge. I’m not sure that I will be able to compose something even vaguely intelligent for every day, but I’m prepared to give it a go. Please pass comments wherever you like – good or bad, it doesn’t matter, as long as there are comments. If you’d prefer not to make “public” comments, please feel free to email me those comments to CHARTWELL.NZ@GMAIL.COM

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