Back in primary school days, we were always so "clever" by inscribing"Kilroy Wuz Here". That was in the days of old when people (including us kids) still respected other people's property and would never dare deface garden walls or public property. From my vague recollection, though, I seem to recall that public toilets were the exception and that graffiti could be seen in those hallowed halls of society.
FROSTY WUZ HERE. My graffiti on the trampoline. |
However, I never knew whether the Kilroy tag was political, or rude, or racist. I suspect that it was generally done out of total ignorance and without any malice. Thinking back, I'm pretty certain that I never ever carved it out on a tree trunk or scratched it anywhere. I guess I was too scared that it would become a thing of school discipline and that living with such shame at being stupid enough to be caught red-handed...
I guess the origin of the tag is a bit shrouded in ignorance, but I understand that it started off somewhere around WW2-ish in the U.S.
First decent frost for 2015 --- 26/5/15 |
I shrugged off my schoolboyhood fears and with my fingernail inscribed the graffiti on the trampoline, with the date of the first "proper" frost of the 2015 season. That was about an hour ago. The sky is a cloudless brilliant autumn blue this morning and the sun has since obliterated my artwork. So, there, Mr Policeman-Headmaster, nature has "dissolved" the vital evidence. I live to write another day...
My footsteps overt the crisp frosty lawn. |
A general view over the white lawn and my art canvas, the trampoline |
Jacko standing eagerly in the frosty grass at the frosty goat-hill fence... |
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