Today has been another such fantastic summer's day ('epic', I believe is the more appropriate description) here in Reikorangi, so Jeanette dares me to go see the ducks in the zoo. Not only ducks, but peacocks and geese and swans and pigs and horses and goats and stags. Not at the zoo either, but at a similar venue, at a nature preserve called Staglands, just across the Tararua mountain range behind us. And, as icing on the cake, we would travel the winding zig-agging mountain pass road of Akatarawa Hill Road, guaranteed to bring on car sickness for some people.
The sign declaring the road 'OPEN' and indicator board to Staglands 17km outside St Andrew's Church |
Either my driving ability and Jeanette's confidence in my safety standards have vastly improved, or she has become more travel-resistant in mountainous areas. More New Zealand-proof. Good on yer.
Rolling mountains and valleys all around us. In winter, this may all be snow-capped. Great views from the top! |
Detailed farming scenes in the valleys. That's the Tasman Sea coast in the distance. |
Some pics around Staglands...
Donkey talk: Do my ears make my bum look big? Naaaw... Don't behave like such an Ass! |
You must give me the name of your stylist, darling!
I washed my hair last week, and now I can't do a thing with it! |
I can still hear that baritone William Warfield in Showboat singing Ol' Man River
... he jes' keeps rollin' along. |
If you put your mind to it, you can bring out the best in anything.
Here a bunch of weeds are made to look like prize florals. |
Oooo! Tickles... |
Now there's a good fella. You'd make a good pal for Jean-Pierre. Or would you? |
A Bridge runs over it. |
Next? Open all hours... |
Now that's a real beer, no? |
This is called a PILLORY -- not a lot of people know that. Hmmm. Pillories were set up to hold petty criminals in marketplaces, crossroads and other public places. They were often on platforms to increase public visibility of the offender. Often a placard detailing the crime was placed nearby; these punishment generally lasted only a few hours.
As the old back isn't so flexible anymore, and the sand-fleas bite like buggers, it was agreed that I could pretend that my head was in the proper headlock. BRIGHT IDEA -- this punishment could be brought back again??? |
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